When you have a baby, the amount of clothes you have for the baby is very important. Remember, babies manage quite easily to get their clothes filthy, sometimes wearing 3-4 outfits a day. Not to mention that an infant will grow faster than you think, and new baby clothes are often needed. Mothers, fathers or guardians will find them doing markedly excess amounts of laundry once the baby has arrived. So try to give as many outfits as you can to really help them.
A great idea for a baby gift basket is to pile in the infant and toddler attire. Sure you can purchase baby clothes that will fit an infant like a glove as soon as the he or she is born. It will be nice for the mother, father or guardian to go out and show off her baby in great-fitting attire. Unfortunately these little ones grow fast, so if you are giving a baby gift basket at a baby shower, an assortment of sizes may be well appreciated.
Most mothers, fathers and guardians do not mind dressing the baby in clothing that is a bit too big. There is no doubt that it will not be too big for the baby pretty soon. In fact, most often once that he or she is crawling around, the size of the baby's clothes needed has multiplied.
If you are a mother you already know that the parent, parents or guardian(s) of this child will not believe how quickly a baby outfit can become of no use to them. It was a kind gesture to give them some clothes to start them off--but what do they do when the baby has outgrown everything? It does not take long--less than a year before even the big one-piece pajamas and too-big sweat suits have become too small.
To show that you appreciate this fact, it may be a good idea to include even a couple of toddler outfits for the baby gift basket.
And of course, a nice finishing touch for the baby gift basket may be something like little hats, babies can get cold and you never want a baby to be too exposed to the harsh weather, even if it just a little chilly outside, a hat is a perfect solution for the baby to keep warm. Most of our body heat is released through our heads when the weather is cold, so to cover the babies little, probably hairless, or practically hairless head is a very good idea. The same applies with coats, a baby will need both heavy and light coats for the colder season.
Parents or guardians will want to have lots of blankets, burp rags etc. These are more items that are quickly dirtied and need to be washed frequently. So if you would like to go for an attire theme for your friend or family member's baby shower, these are ideas that are very practical and very important, especially for a family without a whole lot of extra money to be throwing around on baby clothes.
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on babies please visit Baby Baskets [http://baby-baskets.com].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Clarke
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